Flight Control

Cessna 172

Fight control system consists of conventional aileron, rudder and elevator control surfaces. The control surfaces are manually operated through mechanical linkages to the control wheel for the ailerons and elevator, and rudder/brake pedals for the rudder. A manually-operated elevator trim tab is provided and installed on the right elevator.
The control surfaces are formed in a similar way to the wing and tail section with
the inclusion of the balance weights, actuation system (control cables etc) and trim
tabs. Control actuation is provided by a series of push-pull rods, bellcranks, pulleys
and cables with the required individual connections.
Ailerons receive input from the pilot or copilot control wheel through a series of sprockets, chains, pulleys, cables, bell cranks, and pushrods
Elevator are operated by power transmitted through forward and aft movement of the control yoke. This movement goes to the elevators through a system that has a push-pull tube, cables, and bell cranks.
Elevator control cables, at their aft ends, are attached directly to a bell crank that is installed between the elevators. This bell crank connects the elevators, and is a bearing point for the travel stop bolts. A trim tab is installed on the right elevator.
Rudder control is maintained through use of conventional rudder pedals which also control nose wheel steering. The system is comprised of rudder pedals, cables and pulleys, all of which link the pedals to the rudder and nose wheel steering.
Trim system - The elevator trim tab on the right elevator is controlled by a trim wheel in the pedestal. Movement to operate the tab goes from the trim control wheel with chains, cables, and an actuator. A mechanical pointer adjacent to the trim wheel shows the tab position. A nose up setting on the trim wheel gives a tab down position.
The stall warning system includes a stall warning horn and a scoop assembly. The stall warning horn is found on the inside of the cabin, behind the door post molding and to the outboard side of the pilot, on thefuselage rib. The scoop assembly is installed on the leading edge of the left wing at WS 91.25.
The scoop assembly is operated by airflow over the surface of the wing. There is an internal reed that will make a warning sound when the airspeed is approximately 4.5 to 9.0 knots faster than the airplane stall speed.


271001 Aileron Controls - Check freedom of movement and proper operation through full                   travel.
271002 Ailerons and Cables - Check operation and security of stops. Check cables for                      tension, routing, fraying, corrosion, and turnbuckle safety. Check travel if cable                     tension requires adjustment or if stops are damaged. Check fairleads and rub strips               for condition
271004 Ailerons and Hinges - Check condition, security, and operation. B 05-12-01 520 620
271005 Control Wheel Lock - Check general condition and operation. C 05-12-01 222
271007 Inspect aileron hinges, hinge bolts, hinge bearings and hinge and pushrod attach                   fittings.
272001 Rudder - Check internal surfaces for corrosion, condition of fasteners, and balance
             weight attachment. C 05-12-03 340
272002 Rudder - Inspect the rudder skins for cracks and loose rivets, rudder hinges for                     condition, cracks and security; hinge bolts, nuts, hinge bearings, hinge attach                         fittings, and bonding jumper for evidence of damage and wear, failed fasteners, and               security. Inspect balance weight for looseness and the supporting structure for                       damage.
272006 Inspect rudder pedal torque tube and cable attachment arms. 
273001 Elevator Control - Check freedom of movement and proper operation through full                   travel. B 05-12-01 222, 223
273002 Elevator Control System - Inspect pulleys, cables, sprockets, bearings, chains, and
             turnbuckles for condition, security, and operation. Check cables for tension, routing,
             fraying, corrosion, and turnbuckle safety. B 05-12-01 222, 
273102 Elevator Trim Control and Indicator - Check freedom of movement and proper                       operation through full travel.
273103 Elevator Trim Tab and Hinges - Check condition, security, and operation.
273106 Elevator Trim Tab Stop Blocks - Inspect for damage and security


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