
Showing posts from July, 2013


TTP B1-L3 ATA12 Cessna 172 B2-L1                 Fuel Tanks. :  Each wing contains an integral fuel bay, located between the front and rear spars, extending from WS  31.38 to WS 65.125. Fuel bays should be filled immediately after each flight to lessen condensation  in the tanks and lines. A fuel filler cap is located on top of each wing and provides a fueling/defueling  point for each fuel bay.               Fuel Drains. "  Fuel drains are located at various places on the underside of each integral fuel bay and throughout  the fuel system. These drains are utilized to collect fuel samples for analysis. This sampling is  accomplished by placing the fuel sample cup up to the drain valve, and depressing the valve with rod  protruding from the cup. Safety Precaution: Ground airplane first. Ground vehicle  to the same ground as the airplane. Bond vehicle  to airplane. Bond refuel nozzle to airplane. Ensure fire fighting equ