
Cessna 172

Type Rated Training Course Requirement 

Type Rated Training Course - Cessna Lycoming 

Good Maintenance Practices 

 Maintenance Data

Maintenance Manual 
Wiring Diagram Manual,
Illustrated Parts Catalog
Single Engine Structural Repair Manual.
Technical Publications are also available for the various components and systems which are not covered in MM. 

Maintenance Manual 
Page Numbering System.-- consists of three-element numbers separated by dashes. 
When the chapter/system element number is followed with zeros in the section/subsystem and subject/unit element number (22-00-00), the information is applicable to the entire system.
When the section/subsystem element number is followed with zeros in the subject/unit element number (22-10-00), the information is applicable to the subsystem within the system.
The subject/unit element number is used to identify information applicable to units within the subsystems. The subject/unit element number progresses sequentially from the number -01 in accordance with the number of subsystem units requiring maintenance information.
All system/subsystem/unit (chapter/section/subject) maintenance data is separated into specific types of information: description and operation, troubleshooting, maintenance practices
 Effective Pages - A list of effective pages is provided at the beginning of each maintenance manual chapter. All pages in the specific chapter are listed in numerical sequence on the Effectivity Page(s) with the date of issue for each page.
Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC) includes the illustration and identification of replacement parts and assemblies necessary for maintenance of the specified aircraft model. The Catalog gives the information available at the time of publication.

IPC is prepared in accordance with the Air Transport Association 2200 Specification Format.
Chapter 11 contains procurable placards. Country designated placards are specified by foreign certification authorities and put into groups identified by an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) identifier in the page footer.


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